Note: The fields that appear on this page change depending on how the permitting agency has configured the page.
Map Display Options - The following options allow you to control what appears on the mooring chart
DIsplay Layer - This drop-down list allows you to specify what type of information you'd like to see on the chart. The options will vary based on what you are authorized to see. If you are using Google Maps, you can view only one of these layers at a time. If you are using Google Earth, you can view them all, but the Display Layer will indicate which layer will be labelled.
Berths - This lets you see the location of all berths for this permit agency
Selected Berths - When you perform a permit search and click the Chart link below the search results, OnlineMooring creates a layer that only includes the items that appeared in your search results.
My Berths - This lets you see the location of your own berths.
Swing Radius - This shows you the areas that boats may occupy, based on the information entered into the database. The swing radius is calculated by adding the chain length, rope/pennant length, and boat length. If the mooring prevents boats from swinging freely, you can specify a fixed bearing for the boat.
MInimum Scope - For berths where a water depth has been entered, this will show the minimum allowable swing area, based on the minimum allowed scope that has been configured by the provider.
Maximum Scope - For berths where a water depth has been entered, this will show the maximum allowable swing area, based on the maximum allowed scope that has been configured by the provider.
Berth Movement - This shows the movement of berths between their permitted locations and their actual locations (as specified in the database)
Labeling - This field allows you to specify additional information about each mooring that you would like to appear on the map. You can specify any of the fields in the database, such as the Boat Name, the Owner Name, the Berth Name, etc. In Google Maps, this information appears in the pop-up window for each mooring. In Google Earth, this information appears in the pop-up, but can also be displayed on the map itself. You can only label the Moorings layer, the Selected Moorings layer, or the My Moorings layer.
Coloring - This field allows you to control how the moorings are color-coded on the map. The "Normal" option displays all moorings the same way. OnlineMooring also provided the ability to color code the moorings based on whether the moorings are currently in use. When you choose one of the coloring options, a Legend will appear below the map. Please contact the staff of OnlineMooring if you would like to color-code using a different database field that does not appear in the list - they can set up additional coloring fields for a small fee.
Preferred Coordinates - This field allows you to specify which set of coordinates you want to use, the coordinates where the berth is supposed to be (the Permitted coordinates), or where the berth is now (the Actual coordinates). This selection only affects the map when both sets of coordinates have been entered into the database. If you want to view Permitted coordinates, and only the Actual coordinates are entered into the database, the system will use the Actual coordinates.
If your selected layer has less than 1000 items, you will see a chart using Google Maps. In all cases, there will be a link that allows you to view the chart using Google Earth.
You can do the following with the map:
Zoom In - Click on the "+" sign to get a closer look at the center of the map.
Zoom Out - Click on the "-" sign to see more of the surrounding area
Pan - Click the map and drag it to make room for the area you want to see
Get Information - Click on any of the items (such as berths), and a pop-up window will appear with more information about the item. In some cases, the pop-up window will have a link that will allow you to view all of the information about the item.
Get latitude/longitude - Click anywhere on the map, and the latitude and longitude of that location will appear at the bottom of the page, in the section labelled Cursor Position.
In Google Earth, you will also have the following options:
Layer Display - On the left, there will be a Table of Contents for the map. You will see an entry under "Temporary Places". If you double-click on the entry, the chart will zoom to your harbor. If you expand this entry by clicking on the "+" sign, you will see all of the Display Layers that are listed above, and possibly some extra layers:
Boats - This layer shows a 3-dimensional representation of a boat, using the length and beam values for each boat in the database. Each boat is shown as a sailboat. The purpose of this is to help give you a scale of reference when you are looking at the chart.
Label - When you turn this layer on, you will see the value in the field that you chose appear next to each mooring.
Nautical Chart - This layer displays data from NOAA charts, including water depths, buoys, and areas of interest.
When exiting Google Earth, you will be asked whether you want to save your data. Please do not save your data. If you save the data, the next time you come into Google Earth from OnlineMooring, you will get a second copy of map data. The best case will be that this will slow down Google Earth. The worst case is that you may be viewing out-of-date data on your map.
Legend - If you choose any of the coloring options other than "Normal", the meaning of each of the colors will be displayed here.
Coordinates - This section of the page shows you the latitude and longitude for the southwest corner of the map, the northeast corner of the map, and the most recent position where you clicked on the map.
Set Format - This button allows you to change the way that latitudes and longitudes are displayed and entered by default within your site. This option is only available for people who have administrative rights to the web site.
Center Map - This button allows you to center the map at the latitude and longitude coordinates specified on the "Cursor" row. You can type any coordinates that you want before clicking the Center Map button. If you click on the map, the coordinates will change to the coordinates for your cursor position.
Set Bounds - If you have administrative rights, this button will appear. This will allow you to control the initial area that will be shown on the map. You can either type the minimum and maximum latitude and longitude, or you can pan and zoom the map until it has the desired area shown. This option is only available for people who have administrative rights to the site.
No security rights are needed to see the page, but certain features of the page require security rights:
- To see all moorings, swing radiuses, or berth movements, you need All privileges for the Map_View setting. If you are an inspector and want to see all of the moorings that you inspect, you need Inspector privileges for the Map_View setting.
- If you are a permit holder and want to see all of your moorings, you need My Data privileges for the Map_View setting.
- The Set Bounds button requires administrative update privileges on everything